Profile RDA Titanium
Profile RDA Titanium As the commemorative edition of the Profile RDA, Profile Titanium adopts high-intensity titanium material with exquisite surface treatment, making it a cool, stylish, and charming vape gear. Titanium, the symbol of "strength" by its very hard nature. Now with the delicate f......Read more
Titanium, the symbol of "strength" by its very hard nature.
Now with the delicate finishing of the metalwork,
Plus the splendid mesh mechanism for flavor,
Your vape is turned into a symphony that enchants your whole world.

High-Intensity Titanium Material with Exquisite Surface
TreatmentDiscover Layer Upon Layer Of Your Juice Flavor
Break-Through Mesh Style Heating Element
Top Performing Mesh Rebuildable Platform Ever
Easy To Build and Rebuild
Easy To Switch Between Mesh And Wire Coil

reviews on profile rda

Milton U. - 10 MAY 2019, 12:21
"I personally love using mesh RDA's. They're super easy to work with while getting all of the flavor. By far this is the best one I've tried. The build deck is super easy to work with. The spring loaded platform underneath the deck is incredibly smart for keeping your cotton in place. The juice reservoir is so deep, it's almost impossible to over squonk. All of this makes it an incredible mesh RDA.’’

Sammy - 27 JAN 2019, 14:42
"This is hands down the very best RDA on the market. It is worth every dollar spent. I have never tasted more out of my juices and never expected there to be such a huge difference. This RDA has changed my entire vaping experience."

Jordan A. - 02 APR 2019, 23:42
"I love it, mine arrived today and the hype I have been seeing all over YouTube was true, It is an amazing vaping experience using this RDA, I highly recommend it."
wotofo no tobacco hunt game
We’re so excited to announce this No Tobacco Hunt Game on Wotofo official website! To increase awareness about quitsmoking and encourage more people to take action towards it, we designed this little game hiding 17 No Tobacco Badges within our website from May 31st (00:00 Beijing Time) to Jun 1st (24:00 Beijing Time). And if you find them all, save your screenshots with time showing and email the screenshots to marketing@wotofotech.com, the first 5 people, each day, who finish the hunt and email us will get a $25 OFF coupon for the COMMEMORATIVE EDITION of Profile RDA Titanium which is a limited high-end version of the popular Profile RDA, and with free shipping as well. So prep yourselves up and participate to win. And always keep the gist of the game in mind: Quit Smoking, Start Vaping!
1.Collect the 17 No Tobacco Badges around our site and email to marketing@wotofotech.com with screenshots containing the
you find it. Each of The 17 No Tobacco Badges shows a color variant of the Profile RDA.
2.Do show the time in the screenshots for each badge you find, because the badges may move
around dynamically. Screenshots without time are not
3.Game duration: From May 31st (00:00 Beijing Time) to Jun 1st (24:00
Beijing Time).
4.Each day, the first 5 people who finish the hunt get the $25 credit plus fast & free shipping (3-7 days delivery
meaning the first 5 for May 31st and the first 5 for Jun 1st.
5.Spread the word: Quit Smoking, Start Vaping!
Winner announcement will be published on Jun 2nd on this page. For participants who collect all 17 badges in game duration but don’t win, you can get an 11% OFF coupon sent to your email address.
*** The one on the right is a sample No Tobacco Badge for you to know what it looks like. This one is excluded from the hunt game. ***
Huge thanks to all those who participated in the No Tobacco Hunt Game at Wotofo.com!!!The top 10 hunters are: Chad*****@gmail.com; duck.ruc*****@gmail.com; aust*****@gmail.com; shaneils*****@gmail.com; tqui*****@gmail.com; tankbull*****@gmail.com; daisyss*****@gmail.com; curl*****@hotmail.com; nub*****@gmail.com; onomak*****@icloud.com. Coupon codes are alreay sent to your emails. Thanks again for your suppport!