In the world of vaping, vaper’s tongue is a name that can be somewhat a misnomer among different things such as vape smoke and steeping vape flavor. Some vapers mistakenly think it’s their taste buds that are solely responsible for that cake that they have eaten for breakfast.
Nevertheless, the olfactory system and the nerve cells in the nose play a central role when it comes to tasting flavors. If you’re a lover of biochemistry, then you need to combine the gustatory system (taste buds) with the olfactory system (nose) to get the chemosensory system that goes through the transduction process. This implies that the ability to taste emanates from the brain which interprets various signals from nerve cells in the mouth, throat, and nose.
Through the transduction process, the brain can perceive the kind of vape flavor you’re consuming. If you’ve attempted feeding while your nose is closed, you might have noticed your food tastes dull. The coolest of all is that researchers have discovered that the brain can solely determine the taste of food without even putting it in the mouth. Besides food, we need to know what vaper’s tongue is, and how we can fix it.
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