It is not just distressful to realize Monday is a workday after experiencing sleepless nights over the weekend after spending your weekend basking in the shores doing what you like most: vaping. Your body, your brain, and your physique play a critical role in dictating your sleeping patterns. When your bedtime routine is compromised, certainly your next day shall be bad.
Several bad periods of sleep in a row can be disastrous and might adversely affect your output at work. Some stimulants such as caffeine before bedtime and switching off your TVs to have your mind relax are highly recommended. But how’s vaping related to sleep? Does it ruin your sleep patterns? And the answer is yes!
Vape flavors contain nicotine which causes a lack of sleep. While ordinary cigarettes consist of harmful substances that cause both short-term and long-term health effects and in worst cases various types of cancers, nicotine is a stimulant in vape flavors that has some adverse effects on human health.
Also, it’s highly addictive, and trying to quit on it abruptly can result in body shocks. That said, is it correct to say vaping is making you tired solely, or is it just a small part of the wider picture.
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